
DoshTracker Update #4 - Bye bye Ext JS!

I admit that finding the time to work on DoshTracker has been really difficult lately, but after months of banging my head against a wall, I've decided reluctantly to drop the Ext JS framework I was trying to use.

Yes, it's pretty and yes, it makes some features almost trivial to implement but I'm struggling to find a satisfactory method for implementing any form of user authentication; a critical feature to allow you guys to log in and view your entered notes. The framework is nice, one of the most visually impressive Ajax frameworks I've come across but this has been my stumbling block and so I just can't justify ploughing any more of my already scarce time into it.

So, the way forward... Well from here on in it's going to be a clean CSS layout more akin to the DT of old but with the google map integration I've already developed. Managed to steal away a few hours this weekend to work on a template layout and so work on the back-end plumbing is now underway. Watch this space...

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