appSettings, applicationSettings and custom configSections in app.config
For some reason the different ways of handling application settings in C# always throws me, probably because I tend to write it once and forget about it until it comes up again many months later.
If you create a default settings file in my Project, which creates an app.config and a Settings.settings under Properties, entries here can either be in User or Application scope and result in entries added to the app.config file under <applicationSettings> or <userSettings> sections appropriately, looking like this:
<userSettings> <AppConfigTest.Properties.Settings> <setting name="MyUserScopeSetting" serializeAs="String"> <value>foo1</value> </setting> </AppConfigTest.Properties.Settings> </userSettings> <applicationSettings> <AppConfigTest.Properties.Settings> <setting name="MyApplicationScopeSetting" serializeAs="String"> <value>foo2</value> </setting> </AppConfigTest.Properties.Settings> </applicationSettings>
These can then be accessed from within your code using:
var setting1 = Properties.Settings.Default.MyApplicationScopeSetting; var setting2 = Properties.Settings.Default.MyUserScopeSetting;
These will appear under your Intellisense in Visual Studio.
You can also write to these, just make sure you call Save() afterwards:
Properties.Settings.Default.MyApplicationScopeSetting = "new value"; Properties.Settings.Default.Save();
You might also find app.config files containing elements added directly to an appSettings section like this:
<appSettings> <add key="MySetting1" value="Value 1" /> <add key="MySetting2" value="Value 2" /> </appSettings>
These can be accessed using the ConfigurationManager:
var setting1 = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MySetting1"]; var setting2 = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MySetting2"];
This is accessed by key string, so will not appear under Intellisense, but will return null if the key doesn't exist.
Note that there is no type checking with appSettings; you cannot safely assume the type of the configuration item and someone could have changed your integer to a string in the config file for all you know and you'd have to deal with it.
Custom configSection
A third, and I believe now recommended since .Net 2.0 approach is to create a custom configSection within app.config. This needs to be represented in code, through a class which derives from ConfigurationSection:
public class MyExampleConfigurationSection : ConfigurationSection { private static readonly ConfigurationProperty MyExampleString; private static readonly ConfigurationPropertyCollection ConfigurationProperties; static MyExampleConfigurationSection() { // Define your configuration properties here MyExampleString = new ConfigurationProperty("myExampleStringValue", typeof (string), null, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsRequired); ConfigurationProperties = new ConfigurationPropertyCollection {MyExampleString}; } [ConfigurationProperty("myExampleStringValue", IsRequired = true)] public string MyExampleStringValue { get { return (string)base[MyExampleString]; } } protected override ConfigurationPropertyCollection Properties { get { return ConfigurationProperties; } } }
Like the userSettings and applicationSettings sections, built-in configuration sections must be explicitly defined in a new sectionGroup under configSections, like so:
<configSections> <section name="example" type="AppConfigTest.MyExampleConfigurationSection, AppConfigTest"/> </configSections>
can be set like this:
<example myExampleStringValue="Foo"/>
and then queried in code like this:
var myExampleConfigurationSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("example") as MyExampleConfigurationSection; if (myExampleConfigurationSection != null) { Console.WriteLine(myExampleConfigurationSection.MyExampleStringValue); }